Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Al Gore blows

Sometimes ordinary citizens have the best take on issues of national importance. Today's Wall Street Journal features a letter from Cincinnati's Paul Bloustein, who tells us that Al Gore's global warming bloviations are so much hot air (pun certainly intended). To wit:

Gore Blows Cold On Warm Debate

Al Gore has become a global scold, but, it seems, a chicken-hearted one. His refusal to debate whether the current era of global warming is just another cycle in the earth's evolving climatologic history and not, as he believes, a man-made phenomenon, is truly disconcerting. Meteorologists who study this sort of thing have determined that warm/cold cycles have occurred since before humankind was even a gleam in God's eye.

Mr. Gore needed a bandwagon following his bitter defeat in the aptly named Sunshine State in 2000 that spelled the end of his White House hopes. He has found one in global warming, but for Mr. Gore, as the old song has it, it is not the earth that is "too damn hot," but the debate his hand-wringing has occasioned.

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