Sunday, February 11, 2007


Hoo-ray for free speech!

"I wonder to what country Gail Carpenter refers when she states, 'In fact, [The Dixie Chicks] don’t belong as part of this country.'... Surely she is not referring to the United States of America, a country that has codified the right of free speech in its Constitution. In our country, we are free to criticize our leaders, whether they be Rhodes scholars or lame-brained frat boys."

-- David Patterson, "Love/Hate Mail," Nashville Scene, February 15, 2007

Mr. Patterson:

You are correct, sir. America is a big, free-speech lovin' place, and Ms. Natalie Gargoyle, er, Maines and the other Chicks du Dixie can stay here if'n they want! 

That being said, Rhodes scholars and lame-brained frat boys are not the only persons whom we can freely criticize.  Indeed, we have a God-given, Constitutional right to lambaste leftist/statist, Scene-reading shipdits as well.


Joltin' Django

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