Thursday, March 08, 2007


Bein' right feels sooooo good!

Remember when I said the Democrat Party is controlled by left-wing moonbats and unions? Weeeeeeeeell ...

This morning, House Democrats turned down an invitation to meet with General David Petreaus, the top U.S. military commander in Iraq. Yesterday, however, Democrats found time to hold an Iraq War strategy session with labor unions and left-wing activists. This from the Washington Post:

"But any dilution of [U.S. Rep. John] Murtha's original proposal [to devise standards of troop readiness strict enough to force President Bush to delay some deployments and bring some troops home] is likely to infuriate the antiwar wing of the party, which wants dramatic action now. After a conference call yesterday, antiwar and labor groups all but gave up on Murtha's approach, concluding they could only support a war-funding 'supplemental' bill if it contains a deadline for withdrawing troops.

"Participants -- including the Service Employees International Union,, Win Without War and the Iraq veterans group VoteVets -- insisted there would be more support for a straightforward approach to ending the war than the roundabout efforts Murtha champions."

Those folks who e-mailed me to say that the Democrat Party is not controlled by unions and the crowd must now acknowledge that I was right. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for such to happen.

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