Friday, March 16, 2007


A-men, President Klaus

"Centralized planners seeking to 'rule from above' are operating under the guise of environmentalism and other fashionable 'isms' in a bid to attack freedom and liberty, Czech President Vaclav Klaus said," reports CNS News.

"Fashionable and trendy 'isms' like environmentalism seek to 'radically re-organize human society' in a way that is detrimental to the freedoms that were secured just 17 years ago when Soviet communism fell, Klaus argued.

"Proponents of the environmental ideology were attempting to sell the public on 'catastrophic scenarios' that could be used to justify the restoration of statist practices, he said.

"'The hypothesis of global warming, and the role of man, is the most powerful embodiment of environmental ideology,' Klaus observed. Although the environmental movement invokes science as a way of advancing policy goals, the arguments in favor of catastrophe rest on 'ill-founded assumptions,' he said.

"'Environmentalism is a religion. It does not belong in the natural sciences and is more connected with social science.'

"Klaus said very few politicians and journalists understand that environmentalism is a political ideology masquerading as a natural science.

Other 'isms' that he argued pose threats to order include 'social democratism,' 'human rightism,' 'internationalism' and 'multi-culturalism.' These movements all proceed from a desire to 'centrally organize, mastermind, regulate and control society,' he said."

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