Tuesday, March 13, 2007


On Walter Reed

Doug Patton has a great take on the Walter Reed "scandal":

As I read about the scandal surrounding the Walter Reed Army Hospital, I was reminded of Hillary's 1994 fiasco, and why so many of us were motivated to action against her blatant power grab. Can you imagine huge government hospitals, whose services all of us would be forced to utilize, with mold growing up the walls and vermin infesting the rooms like some third world medical facility? Liberals will never admit that this will be the result of their vision for our nation's health care system, but that is exactly what our wounded military heroes have been enduring at Walter Reed. Why should we believe that dictatorial Hillary-care would be any different?

Isn't it ironic that the folks who've been beating their chests hardest during the Walter Reed imbroglio (see Congressional Democrats) are the same people who want to impliment a system whereby all Americans receive their health care from the federal government?

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