Friday, March 02, 2007


You GOTTA love the Post Office!

Wanna know why Congress should end the United States Postal Service's monopoly over first-class mail delivery? Well, because of stunts like this:

"The missing clock didn't stop postal customer Al Cunningham from noticing the amount of time spent waiting for service.

"'It's always long here,' said Cunningham, 49, an insurance adjuster and former postal employee who was standing in line at the Watson Post Office in Fort Worth.

"The Watson Post Office is one of the nation's 37,000 post offices in which clocks have been removed from retail areas as part of a 'retail standardization program' launched last year. The effort is designed to give the public-service areas a more uniform appearance, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported in Thursday editions."

So, the USPS reckons it can "fix" long waits by removing clocks from its offices. Isn't that akin to a person putting a piece of tape on a dashboard warning light to fix his or her car?

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