Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Don't go away mad ... just go away

In a "Web diary" posted on the Daily Kos Web site, Ms. Cindy Sheehan, a self-described attention whore and certified nutbucket, says she is disillusioned by the failure of Democratic politicians to bring the Iraq War to an end and tired of a peace movement she says "often puts personal egos above peace and human life." Thus, she'll no longer participate in anti-war marches, protests, gatherings o' fellow left-wing nutbuckets, etc.

When Cindy Sheehan began protesting the Iraq War, she said her son, who died in Baghdad in 2004, would've wanted her to, well, protest. (She also said that the Israeli government manipulated the United States into invading Iraq, but that's a story for others to take issue with.) As Sheehan exits stage left (pun firmly intended), I think this Christopher Hitchens column, in which he takes issue with Sheehan's "sinister piffle," shows just how egregious her activities during the past three years have been. A sample:

"I think one must deny to anyone the right to ventriloquize the dead. Casey Sheehan joined up as a responsible adult volunteer. Are we so sure that he would have wanted to see his mother acquiring 'a knack for P.R.' and announcing that he was killed in a war for a Jewish cabal? (a claim that has brought David Duke flying to Ms. Sheehan's side.) This is just as objectionable, on logical as well as moral grounds, as the old pro-war argument that the dead 'must not have died in vain.' I distrust anyone who claims to speak for the fallen, and I distrust even more the hysterical noncombatants who exploit the grief of those who have to bury them."

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