Saturday, May 19, 2007


"Let's pull a Harriet Miers on the Senate amnesty bill."

Call Senator Alexander (615-736-5129) and Senator Corker (615-279-9488) and tell 'em to vote AGAINST amnesty. Tell 'em you don't want this to happen to the United States:

"Based on my current research, I estimate that if all the current adult illegal immigrants in the U.S. were granted amnesty the net retirement costs to government (benefits minus taxes) could be over $2.5 trillion." [Emphasis mine]

John Hawkins lays it right on the line:

"Admittedly, the odds are against us in the Senate, but they're not insurmountable and the good news is that the base is ready to fight. That means what we have here is another Harriet Miers situation. There are no guarantees that we can succeed, but the base stopped Harriet Miers and we can stop this bill in the Senate or at least raise such a ruckus that we will terrify the House out of considering a bill."

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