Saturday, May 26, 2007


The liberal inquisition

The Campaign for Working Families PAC sends us this disturbing story, which the mainstream media - surprise! - has managed to ignore:

"There is tension in the air in Washington these days. Sure, there are major policy disputes between the executive and legislative branches of government and contentious issues like the war and immigration reform. But there is a siege mentality developing too – a sense of 'gotcha' politics and intimidation. Liberals in Congress have launched at least 36 investigations against the administration. But this week, there was a chilling exchange in the House Judiciary Committee that went totally unnoticed.

"During her testimony, Monica Goodling, the former Justice Department White House liaison, was grilled by a member of the majority party about the fact that she earned her law degree from – gasp! - Regent University, a Christian university founded by Pat Robertson.

"Goodling was grilled about why she chose to attend Regent Law School; did she ever discuss religion with others at the Justice Department; did she use religion as a criteria in hiring decisions; and 'Are there an inordinate number of people from Regent University Law School that were hired by the Department of Justice while you were there?' Evidently, being Christian makes one suspect in the fevered brows of the liberal inquisitors of the House Judiciary Committee.

"While the media ignored this example of religious bigotry, I can guarantee you it would have been front page news if a conservative member of Congress had initiated a similar line of questions against a witness who had attended Yeshiva or Howard University.

"I’m happy to report that some members spoke up against this 'inquisition.' We thank fighters like Reps. Mike Pence (R-IN), Randy Forbes (R-VA), Steve King (R-IA), and Louie Gohmert (R-TX) for speaking out during the hearing against this incredible attack on Christians in government. But they are all members of the minority party on Capitol Hill now.

"It’s a brave new world here in Washington, my friends, where the criminalization of politics, thought and faith appears to be underway. Just consider that the first bill brought up for a vote in the Democrat Senate was an attempt to gag grassroots organizations. Nancy Pelosi’s House has already passed a so-called 'hate crimes' bill – a blatant assault on religious freedom – and there’s talk about reintroducing the Fairness Doctrine to gag conservative media."

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