Monday, June 11, 2007


Go get a Goal Girl! They're good!

I received the latest Nashville Predators newsletter yesterday, and I learned that the Predators will be holding auditions for 2007-08 Goal Girls and Dancers July 14 and 15 at the Nashville Arena, er, the GEC, er, the Sommet Center.

According to the Predators' newsletter, potential Goal Girls and Dancers must be "dynamic, well spoken, and talented." Well spoken?! Please ...

Do we really expect the tight pants-wearing young ladies who strut 'n' skate 'n' dance at Predators games to be well spoken? If'n they do indeed speak well, what do we expect them to say? If a potential Goal Girl causes men's hearts to flutter but she stutters and stammers when asked what her name is, will the Goal Girl/Dancer judges say, "GET OUT!" ... ?

Don't get me wrong, I watch the Predators' jolies filles with rapt - and I mean rapt - attention. I just don't expect them to wow me with their oratorical skills. Hell, they can be deaf/mutes for all I care!

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