Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Senate Dems: Agin' common sense

Contrary to what a lot of conservative bloggers have suggested, the immigration "reform" bill is not dead. Indeed, President Bush made a rare appearance on Capitol Hill today to urge U.S. Senators to revive the McCain-Kennedy immigration scheme.

That said, the Campaign on Working Families has compiled a list of amendments to the immigration bill that were defeated in the U.S. Senate over the past two weeks:

-- The McConnell amendment to require a photo ID for voting in order to combat voter fraud, defeated 41-to-52;

-- The Cornyn amendment to deny amnesty to gang members and illegal aliens with criminal records, defeated 46-to-51;

-- The Vitter amendment to guarantee a secure, biometric check in/check out visa system be in place prior to any guest worker program going into effect, defeated 48-to-49; and

-- The Coburn-DeMint amendment to guarantee full border security prior to granting illegals amnesty, defeated 42-to-54.

(To see how your U.S. Senator voted on these amendments, click here.)

Creeder Readers should be aware that Democrats voted overwhelmingly against these common sense amendments to the McCain-Kennedy bill.

Democrats shamelessly flouting common sense ... pretty pathetic, n'est-ce pas?

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