Friday, September 07, 2007


A few questions for Fred Thompson

Michael Reagan has a few questions for ol' Fred:

"Fred Thompson's opening shot in launching his campaign on the Jay Leno show was impressive, but now he has to forget the sound bites and the folksy advice and get down to brass tacks.

"To begin with, he has to give the voters in the primary states a good reason to pick him over all the other Republican candidates. He has to tell them not only where he stands on the issues, but also what he plans to do about them.

"It's not enough to say he wants a better America -- after all, everybody wants that. He has to spell out how he plans to get there.

"What is he going to do to give us the smaller government candidates keep promising but never seem to provide?

"What is he going to do to win the war in Iraq and the war against terrorism?

"How does he plan to create a fairer income tax system that rewards hard work rather than punishes it?

"He needs to answer those questions and be very specific in his answers.

"The voters won't want to know how he feels about issues -- they can get all that touchy-feely stuff from the Democrats -- they want to know exactly what he plans to do about them, and how he plans to do it."

Read the rest here.

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