Monday, September 10, 2007


The loony left has found their candidate

Doug Patton will make some folks mad by saying this:

"So who can a leftist wacko really love these days? It has to be someone who, first and foremost, hates George Bush. That's a given.

"Then there is the requirement that the United States surrender to al-Qaida and leave Iraq immediately.

"Of course, this person has to view America as a blight on the rest of the world, especially on all the wonderful, peaceful people of the planet, from Native Americans to the North Vietnamese to the Iraqis. Blaming America first for virtually everything is an absolute requirement.

"Environmental extremism is an important part of the agenda, so this political savior would have to spout the PC line on global warming.

"And, of course, capitalism must be regarded as a bane that has brought misery to all who have ever suffered under it.

"But what leader could possibly fill the bill for American lefties? Why, Osama bin Laden, of course. The world's most famous terrorist has delivered a new message, via videotape, much of it to the American people. ...

"Osama bin Laden embodies everything liberal Democrats love in a leader. In fact, if he were standing on the stage at one of their presidential debates, spouting the same ideas he put forth in his latest video, he would be a bona fide hit among their base.

"Yes, the loony left has finally found their candidate."

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