Monday, October 01, 2007


Classic Creeder on the Last Days

I went on a short b'iness trip at the end of last week, which turned out to be a disaster in more ways than one (don't ask). The worst part was returning home with an achy, breaky, 48-hour flu bug from hell. I spent the entire weekend lying on the couch watching bits of football and various other bits of boob-tube effluvia.

At one point early Sunday morning, I awoke to the sounds of a television preacher begging his audience to get "rapture ready" 'cause all hell is about to break loose. According to Mr. TV Preacher - first name o' Steve, last name o' Muncey (I think) - we are in the tail-end of the Last Days. The Book of Revelation tells him so.

I touched on this subject exactly one year ago. I'm too happy to re-post my thoughts on what Revelation says (or, more importantly, what it doesn't say):

Debunking the "Left Behind" myth(s)

There are quite a few preachers who've made names for themselves - and several pennies for their churches - by scaring folks with visions of "beasts," battles, and 'round-the-corner apocolyptic Last Days. According to Rev. Fr. Angelo Artemas, a Greek Orthodox theologian, these folks are full of crap. He's right:

"The Book of Revelation has been mistranslated, misused and misinterpreted since the 2nd century. It was written by John, the beloved disciple and theologian, on Patmos at the end of the 1st century (roughly 90 A.D.) as a response to the turmoil, pain and suffering experienced by early Christians. Thousands of Christians were being martyred because of their faith, and many suffered the consequences of high infant mortality and low life expectancy.

"The Roman Emperors of the first three centuries were responsible for millions of deaths. The Beasts of the Book of Revelation refer to Nero (54-68 A.D.), Vespasian (69-79 A.D.), and Domitian (80-96 A.D.). The number 666 was specifically a cryptic reference to the Emperor Nero.

"According to biblical numerology, 6 represents evil, 7 represents perfection (seven days in a week), and 8 represents holiness (Sunday, the Day of the Lord, is the first and eighth day). The tripling of numbers represents their eternal/infinite nature; thus Nero is eternally evil while Christ is eternally holy. The numbers and symbols in the Book of Revelation are not secret references to today's leaders, economic or environmental conditions, but refer to first century conditions. Attempts to make direct associations are misdirected."

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