Sunday, October 28, 2007


Open letter to Ron Paul

Radio host/author Michael Medved has posted an open letter to Ron Paul at

"Dear Congressman Paul:

"Your Presidential campaign has drawn the enthusiastic support of an imposing collection of Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, Holocaust Deniers, 9/11 'Truthers' and other paranoid and discredited conspiracists.

"Do you welcome- or repudiate – the support of such factions?

"More specifically, your columns have been featured for several years in the American Free Press – a publication of the nation’s leading Holocaust Denier and anti-Semitic agitator, Willis Carto. His book club even recommends works that glorify the Nazi SS, and glowingly describe the 'comforts and amenities' provided for inmates of Auschwitz.

"Have your columns appeared in the American Free Press with your knowledge and approval?

"As a Presidential candidate, will you now disassociate yourself, clearly and publicly, from the poisonous propaganda promoted in such publications?

"As a guest on my syndicated radio show, you answered my questions directly and fearlessly.

"Will you now answer these pressing questions, and eliminate all associations between your campaign and some of the most loathsome fringe groups in American society?

"Along with my listeners (and many of your own supporters), I eagerly await your response.

"Respectfully, Michael Medved"

Reckon Ron Paul will respond? Don't hold your breath.

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