Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Stop me before I - gulp! - play soccer again

Thanks to Creeder Reader Jason for sending a link to Taterguy's unintentionally hilarious post from the Democratic Underground:

"Soccer is the most warlike, environmentally destructive sport around

"The 'sport' originated when a conquering army starting kicking around the head of a decapitated enemy.

"The fields require constant maintenance. Even during times of water shortage they get watered constantly and the fields get mowed three times a week, by mowers powered with 2-stroke engines that spew out far more toxins in the atmosphere than the average car.

"I don't understand how anyone who thinks of them-self as progressive could possibly condone such a barbaric and Earth-killing enterprise.

"What am I missing?"

You know you're a left-wing nutbucket when you start using words like "soccer" and "barbaric" in the same sentence.

And, as Jason asked yours truly, how completely lacking in testosterone do you have to be to consider a sport as dull as soccer to be "warlike" ...?!

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