Friday, November 02, 2007


Breakin' the law, breakin' the law (apologies to Judas Priest)

"While their search for contraband cigarettes continues, state Department of Revenue agents also are seizing beer brought into Tennessee to avoid one of the highest malt beverage taxes in the nation."

-- Knoxville News Sentinel, October 8, 2007

Yours truly will be in Atlanta this weekend visiting friends. Mes amis generously offered to treat me to Sunday's Falcons-49ers game, and I accepted.

I'm not heading to Atlanta just to watch a football game. Oh, no. I'm also going to drive out to Buckhead to shop at the best damn liquor warehouse on the planet, Sherlock's.

As I do every time I go to A-town, I'm going to fill my trunk with four-packs of Samuel Smith's. You see, a four-pack of Samuel Smith's is about $3.50 cheaper in Georgia than it is anywhere in Tennessee.

I know important members of the Bredesen Administration read this blog. If any of 'em want to come over for a brew next week, all they have to do is drop me a line.

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