Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Religion of Peace strikes again (no pun intended)

"A British primary school teacher is in a Sudanese jail facing 40 lashes if she's convicted of insulting Islam's prophet Muhammed by letting children name a teddy bear after him," the Sydney Morning Herald reports.

"Gillian Gibbons who's 54 is in a Khartoum prison cell after being arrested on suspicion of blasphemy on Sunday.

"Gibbons who taught primary age children at the Unity High School in Khartoum allowed her class of seven-year-olds to name a teddy bear Mohammed as part of a lesson about animal habitats.

"The name Mohammed is sacred to Islamic philosophy and the penalty for blasphemy is 40 lashes, a large fine or a jail term."

Ain't you glad you live in the U.S. of A.? Where a feller or gal is free to put a crucifix in a jar of urine and get a government grant to do so.

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