Friday, November 30, 2007


Things're about to get ugly ...

What Bob Dole did to Lamar Alexander during the '96 GOP primary will probably look like child's play when the '08 campaign shifts into high gear:

"Mitt Romney is the target, abortion is the issue, and the $100,000 ad buy will change the tone of the Iowa and New Hampshire presidential primaries.

"This weekend marks the first negative TV advertising in the two early-voting states as the campaign headed into the critical weeks before the first voting, with an independent group's claim that the former Massachusetts governor has flip-flopped -- a sometimes crippling charge in presidential politics. Analysts say similar negative ads are likely against his chief GOP rival, Rudy Giuliani, whose positions on gun control and immigration are markedly different from those he espoused as New York mayor.

"The anti-Romney ad campaign, by a Republican group that supports abortion rights, is fairly modest in scope. But it may open the door to bigger ad buys targeting other candidates and topics, several campaign veterans said.

"'This will be the beginning of it,' said Patrick Griffin, a Manchester-based advertising executive who handled President Bush's 2000 media effort in New Hampshire."

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