Monday, December 17, 2007


Candidates' Christmas lists

The guys at have published a list of what each presidential candidate should request from Santa Claus this year. Here're a few of my favorites:

B. Hussein Obama: "That Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton don’t decide to pull an Oprah and start campaigning for him."

Hillary Clinton: "For every woman who’s ever slept with Bill to endorse her, ensuring Hillary wins the nomination unanimously."

John Edwards: "A mega-scandal involving Hillary, Ellen, Obama, and Larry Craig."

Bill Richardson: "A list of china patterns for Air Force Two."

Joe Biden: "A Festivus miracle."

Mike Huckabee: "Short memories for pocket-book conservatives regarding his tax policies as Arkansas governor."

Mitt Romney: "That Donny and Marie Osmond don’t decide to pull an Oprah and start campaigning for him."

Rudy Giuliani: "A survival kit that lasts until Super Duper Tuesday."

Ron Paul: "For all states to suddenly decide to allow primary votes to be cast online."

John McCain: "For 12 million illegals to voluntarily go home so immigration is no longer an issue."

Fred Thompson: "To actually give a rat’s rear-end whether he wins or loses."

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