Thursday, January 03, 2008
Should Republicans be audaciously hopeful?
Bobby Eberle says that hope is not yet lost for the GOP in '08:
"There is definitely hope for Republicans in 2008. If Republican leaders stick to conservative principles, you can bet that party identification will continue to rise. But there are many roadblocks and potential pitfalls along the way. We have to get through the primary election cycle and rally around the nominee. Any splintering or talk of a third-party or independent run by a Republican will mean that the Democrats will win the White House. Legislatively, we must push for smaller government, lower taxes, and secure borders. Show real results in those areas, and we can win.
"Yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It's either daylight in the realization that Republican leaders have seen the error of their ways from 2006 or it's another train heading in our direction. My hope is that it's the former, with conservative principles guiding the way."
If the GOP, from the presidential nominee on down to the lowliest not-a-chance congressional candidate, cannot find a way to "nationalize" the '08 election around the GOP's strengths -- i.e., staying on the offensive against Islamic extremism, enacting sane immigration reform (including building the you-know-whatin' U.S.-Mexico fence), and keeping taxes from reverting to Jimmy Carter-era levels -- Election Night is gonna be a long, long night, indeed. And the only thing Republicans will be hopin' for is to hang on to enough U.S. Senators to maintain a filibuster ... in which case the irony will be delicious.