Friday, March 21, 2008
Couldn't be happening to a more deserving idiot
'Bout this time last year, I told ya'll about California State Senator Carole Midgen:
"California State Senator Carole Migden -- former voter for a state bill that fines people for using their cellphones while driving -- rear-ended her state-issued SUV into a Honda sedan on Highway 12 in Solano County. While on her phone. The driver of the Honda was taken to the hospital with minor injuries, although the most painful aspect of this story is surely the jaws-of-life-biting irony."
I added:
Midgen, who hails from Pelosiville, er, San Francisco, is a left-winger straight from central casting: She's for gay marriage; she wants to scrap the electoral college; she worked with to sponsor anti-"surge" legislation in the California Senate; she's agin' genetically-modified food; and she thinks children are so put upon that they need a Youth Bill of Rights. Knowing that she's a by-the-books leftist makes her hypocrisy even more delicious.
Sen. Midgen is in the news again -- and it ain't 'cause she won a Helen Roper look-alike contest. She's in the news 'cause she's gotten herself into a peck of trouble:
"State regulators have slapped state Sen. Carole Migden and her campaign managers with a $350,000 fine for 89 campaign spending and disclosure violations between 2003 and 2007, including illegal personal use of campaign funds.
"The state's Fair Political Practices Commission on Tuesday released details of the San Francisco Democrat's transgressions, which also included misrepresenting spending, soliciting donations prior to establishing campaign accounts, and failure to adequately disclose contributions and expenses."
Midgen most likely will be turned out of office following California' legislative primary, which takes place in June. It always gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling whenever left-wing nutbucket crashes and burns. Flame on, Sen. Midgen!