Thursday, June 05, 2008


Shhh ... the surge is working (part dix)

Last night, Maj. Gen. Kevin Bergner reported on the continuing progress in Iraq:

"For the third week in a row security incidents in Iraq are at the lowest levels in four years. ...

"These security gains follow the coordinated offensive operations over the past year, and the recent security operations in Baghdad, Mosul, and Basra. They are being achieved today even as the fourth of five Brigade Combat Teams is returning home, and that includes two Marine battalions and a Marine Expeditionary Unit have already returned home. ...

"In the past 15 months, the Iraqi Security Forces have grown from 400,000 in June 2007 to some 559,000 in May of this year. The growing strength of the ISF is another key factor contributing to the security gains in Iraq."

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