Monday, July 14, 2008
Bad news for Barry
B. Hussein Obama's supporters have worked tirelessly to present their chosen candidate as some kind of Chosen One. B. Hussein, aka Barry, himself has decided that he wants to be a big-eared Billy Graham, in hopes that Middle America will fall for his ruse and electorally anoint him the Savior of America this November.
What with the collective sour mood in America right now, B. Hussein "Barry" Obama should be dusting John McCain in the polls. Tain't happening. This news should scare the bejeebers out of the eggheads, environuts, and never-took-Econ-101ers who make up the Obama coalition:
"A new Newsweek poll shows that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama leads Republican rival John McCain by just 3 percentage points, a statistical dead heat -- and a sharp drop from the 15-point lead Obama held in June."
If John McCain has a sensible bone in his body, he will resist his natural urge to "reach out" and "get along," and he will allow the Republican National Committee's Heirs o' Atwater to dig up dirt on Obama like a Hoover vacuum. From the dug-up dirt -- and from Obama's far-left voting record -- a thousand hard-hitting negative ads can be launched. And that will be the Annointed One's undoing.
President Obama. The very prospect of such should send chills down the spine of anyone who doesn't want a return to Carter-era tax rates, or a judiciary controlled by the denizens at People for the American Way.
President Obama. Jesus ... thinking 'bout that makes my nether region clinch, real hard.