Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Vote against left-wing low-lifery. Vote for John McCain.

Liberals are all about peace and non-violence and all that, right? Wrong. A large gaggle of left-wingers have descended upon St. Paul, Minnesota, for the Republican National Convention, and they're acting like ... well, they're acting like ****in' animals.

From The Pioneer Press:

Protesters harassed two state delegations in St. Paul to attend the Republican National Convention Monday. Someone threw a rock through the window as delegates from Alabama rode their bus to the Xcel Energy Center, where RNC events took place. And masked protesters confronted and harassed the Connecticut delegation — several of them were spat upon, roughed up and doused with a mixture of water and bleach.

From MyFox Twin Cities:

One 80-year-old member of the [Connecticut] delegation had to be treated for injuries, and several other delegates had to rinse their eyes and clothing [after being sprayed with bleach].

Oh, and there's this from Power Line:

[A] busload of Cub Scouts were en route to the convention, where they were to present the colors to open the convention. A group of protesters--liberals, Obama supporters, or whatever--blocked the road, surrounded the bus, and attacked it, rocking the bus back and forth, denting and scratching the sides, and generally terrifying the children trapped inside. The left-wing protesters attacked a number of buses in the same way, but there is something especially despicable about attacking a group of Cub Scouts.

Attacking the elderly. Squirting folks with bleach. Assaulting Cub Scouts. And you know each and every one of the low-life sombitches who did such will vote for B. Hussein Obama come this November.

Vote against left-wing low-lifery. Vote for John McCain.

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