Monday, October 13, 2008


"Hint: it has something to do with 'bias.'"

ABC News is reporting that U.S. Representative Tim Mahoney (D-FL), who replaced scandal-scarred former-Rep. Mark Foley, promised his former mistress a job at his campaign's media firm in return for her silence. That firm: Nashville's own Fletcher, Rowley, Chao & Riddle.

From ABC News:

"Mahoney, who is married, also promised the woman, Patricia Allen, a $50,000 a year job for two years at the agency that handles his campaign advertising, the staffers said.

"The agreement between the Congressman and Allen, reportedly promises her a job for two years at Fletcher, Rowley, Chao & Riddle ... beginning January 2009. Fletcher Rowley, a Nashville-based political consulting firm that offers 'crisis management and creative strategy,' lists Mahoney's 2006 election victory as one of its 'success stories,' according to its website."

First of all, I want to know this: What did the folks at Bill Fletcher's firm know about Mahoney's bimbo eruption, and when did they know it? Did Mahoney have an explicit guarantee from someone at Fletcher's firm that a job was waiting for his former mistress?

Also, I'd like to know when the mainstream media plans to go into 'round-the-clock hyperventilation-mode over l'affaire Mahoney like they did over l'affaire Mark Foley in 2006. I mean, they seem like equally salacious stories to me. So, why did one get full-court coverage from the national press and the other's ... well, you have to go looking for information about the other.

I ask that last question rhetorically because every individual imbued with the ability to critically examine facts and use reason already knows the answer. Hint: it has something to do with "bias." So there.

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