Monday, November 17, 2008
2012 and down, loaded up 'n' truckin' ...
Speaking to reporters at a business summit in Dubai, Rudy Giuliani said Sunday that he's considering running for governor of New York and hasn't ruled out a second presidential run.
Rudy has a better than even chance of becoming the next governor of New York. Indeed, that state is crumbling under the weight of bloated budgets and dwindling tax base, and New Yorkers are clamoring for a man of action like Rudy. On the other hand, Rudy was an incredibly weak candidate during the 2008 Republican primaries. If he runs for president again, I fear it will be nothing but an exercise in futility.
That said, there's already a lot of speculation going 'round about who will emerge as the front-runners for the 2012 GOP nomination. Hell, was speculating about such the day.
Watch the governors. The GOP grass-roots will not be in any mood to nominate another U.S. Senate pol in four years. Indeed, I look for the next Republican nominee to be a current or former governor. Jindal, Romney, Sanford, Palin ... keep a watch out for those names, and watch which of 'em spend a lot of time stumping for '10 House and Senate GOP candidates (à la Richard Nixon in 1965-66).
Watch the General. Remember when Democrats -- includeing President-elect B. Hussein Obama -- said a "surge" of troops in Iraq wouldn't change nothin'? Remember when the surge worked, and then B. Hussein Obama said he still opposed the political policy/military plan that was - is - bring stability to Iraq?! If President B. Hussein pulls U.S. troops out of Iraq and the country erupts into civil war, or if, God forbid, the United States suffers another terrorist attack and Obama gets all Jimmy Carter on our asses, don't be surprised if a lot of folks start talkin' a lot about drafting David Petraeus for Prez.
Rudy has a better than even chance of becoming the next governor of New York. Indeed, that state is crumbling under the weight of bloated budgets and dwindling tax base, and New Yorkers are clamoring for a man of action like Rudy. On the other hand, Rudy was an incredibly weak candidate during the 2008 Republican primaries. If he runs for president again, I fear it will be nothing but an exercise in futility.
That said, there's already a lot of speculation going 'round about who will emerge as the front-runners for the 2012 GOP nomination. Hell, was speculating about such the day.
Watch the governors. The GOP grass-roots will not be in any mood to nominate another U.S. Senate pol in four years. Indeed, I look for the next Republican nominee to be a current or former governor. Jindal, Romney, Sanford, Palin ... keep a watch out for those names, and watch which of 'em spend a lot of time stumping for '10 House and Senate GOP candidates (à la Richard Nixon in 1965-66).
Watch the General. Remember when Democrats -- includeing President-elect B. Hussein Obama -- said a "surge" of troops in Iraq wouldn't change nothin'? Remember when the surge worked, and then B. Hussein Obama said he still opposed the political policy/military plan that was - is - bring stability to Iraq?! If President B. Hussein pulls U.S. troops out of Iraq and the country erupts into civil war, or if, God forbid, the United States suffers another terrorist attack and Obama gets all Jimmy Carter on our asses, don't be surprised if a lot of folks start talkin' a lot about drafting David Petraeus for Prez.