Thursday, April 01, 2010


The troof

Remember all that crap we heard 'bout Obama's supposed "bounce" in the polls following the passage of ObamaCare? Well, here's the troof (HT: Gary Bauer):

A new Marist poll finds that 53% of registered voters disapprove of Obama’s handling of healthcare, while 41% approve. Among Independent voters, 56% disapprove.

A recent Rasmussen poll found that 70% of voters said they are “angry with the policies of the federal government,” and 64% of voters feel that Congress is doing a poor job. That doesn’t bode well for the majority party.

A new USA Today/Gallup poll finds that 50% of Americans do not believe that Obama deserves reelection, while 46% believes he does.

The Gallup poll also found a shift in voters’ preference for control of Congress in the days following passage of ObamaCare. According to Gallup, registered voters favored Democrat control of Congress by a 47%-to-45% margin before ObamaCare passed. Now, voters favor Republican control of Congress by a 47%-to-44% margin.

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