Monday, June 25, 2007


Me and Mike Turner down by the schoolyard ...

I asked State Rep. Mike Turner (D-Old Hickory) an über-important question a couple of weeks back, and he finally responded. Check it out here.

I dispatched the following e-mail to Rep. Turner late this afternoon. God love me, I simply cannot let things go! To wit:

The Honorable Mike Turner
Tennessee House of Representatives

Dear Representative Turner:

Thank you, sir, for - finally - answering my question.

Far be it from me to tell you what you should read, but ...

I'm of the opinion that the United States would be a better nation in which to live if each and every lawmaker - from Congress on down - not only had to read Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics and Jude Wanniski's The Way the World Works, but had to apply what they'd read when they, well, made laws.

Anti-statists like yours truly wouldn't have nothin' to cogitate over and write about if elected officials were forced to demonstrate an understanding of the basics of political economy.

How 'bout you read the Sowell and Wanniski books and e-mail me a short synopsis of each? Perhaps then you won't have to hear my smart mouth, er, smart e-mails, ever again!


Joltin' Django
Nashville, Tennessee

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