Sunday, November 16, 2008


First rule of TNSC: Obey all rules!

Remember when I said that I would no longer accept comments with whining and ranting, insults and non sequiturs? Some folks didn't believe me ... but they're sure as hell believing me now 'cause I've been dumping, on average, 8-10 comments each day.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: This is Joltin' Django's blog, and if you want to see your comments posted you'll obey Joltin' Django's rules. I'll go over 'em again one more time for those who didn't catch 'em the first time.

First rule: Obey all rules. Additionally, comments must be on-topic. No personal insults directed toward me or any Creeder Reader will be tolerated. If you dare make a sweeping statement on any public policy issue, e.g., "cuting gap-gains taxes is bad", you'd better by God have some facts and figur's to buttress your claim.

As I said in my original post "[T]his blog is a forum in which I say whatever I think I need to say. If you want to leave a comment, more power to you. If you do leave a comment, however, you'd better be prepared to post within the strictures of the ground rules I've now established."

I didn't type that just to practice my typing skills. I meant it ... as those who've left nutbucket posts over the the past two weeks can attest.

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