Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Apparently, Virginia is for (non-Obama) Lovers

Remember when I told you to watch New Jersey's guv'na race for proof that 2010 is gonna be 1994 redux for national Democrats?

Well, the Dems also didn't do too good in Virginia in '93, which makes this story a kinda foreshadowin'/post-shadowin' kinda thing ...

As the Washington Post points out, Republican candidate Bob McDonnell is nationalizing the Virginia gubernatorial race. That might have sounded crazy a few months ago, taking on a popular president in a state that went Democrat for the first time since LBJ, but it doesn’t seem like a bad plan now. As the Post notes, this may work as the public, including the more conservative electorate likely to turn out for a gubernatorial race in an off year, sees Obama and the Beltway Democrats slinging further and further to the Left.

And check this out ...

[Republican] Bob McDonnell ... has opened up a big lead in the Virginia governor's race, beating his Democratic opponent Creigh Deeds by 15 in the latest poll tracking the campaign.

The poll taken by southwestern Virginia's WDBJ News7 and SurveyUSA showed McDonnell carrying 55% of all voters while Deeds only garnered 40%. Five percent of voters remained undecided.

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